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A note on captions: Many attendees chose to not share their contact information as indicated on their registration form. For this reason, there may be omissions in the photo captions.


Marty Weller
Denny and Robin do a duet
The Buckman crew present their hack ack (even in costumes!)
Richard Kilmer leads his team in presenting their hack ack entry.
Singing his heart out
Simon Price and Andrew Gould present their Hack Ack entry
Charley Delaney and Michael Ormes present the SumTotal ToolBook Design Awards
Peter Hoyt wins the SumTotal ToolBook Design Awards in the category of "Best ToolBook OnLine Training."
Charley Delaney introduces SumTotal ToolBook Design Awards
Dawn Sekel wins the SumTotal ToolBook Design Awards in the category of "Most Creative Use of ToolBook"
Participants including April Whitson, and Mike Pritchett present their hack ack entry (Others were involved but did not make it into the photo)
Tony Lin
Denny Dedmore presents his Hack Ack entry (exhibition only)
Brad Shuck, winner of the Hack Ack
Tim Barham sings!
Dan Richards
Michael Ormes
Denny Dedmore
Enjoying the festivities
Ron Wincek
Michael Ormes
Luis Rodriguez
Michael Bennett
Karl Volk
Maura Rech, Simon Price, Mike Cline
Taking it all in
Sum Total folks taking in the entertainment
Mukesh Singh
Fun and games and big learning too
Marty Weller
Andrew Gould
Christine Powers
Pondering the power of .NET.
Jeff Rhodes
Jeff Rhodes
Jeff Rhodes
Theresa Blomgren
Chris Bell
Derek Rhodes
Michael Rhodes
Lois Bell
Sue Rhodes
Barclay Crittenden
Charlie Cook
Andrew Gould
Andrew Gould
Jeff Rhodes
Tony Lin and Chris Bell
Big questions for Jeff Rhodes
Mark Kaiser, Mike Cline, and others