The e-Learning Authoring Conference
Min-e-Con is Here!
As the statement below says, we have ended our annual conference in its original format. However, we have just created the 2011 Min-e-Con to be held May 24 - 26, 2011 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Click here to learn all the details.
Statement from Jeff Rhodes
President, Platte Canyon Multimedia Software Corporation
We have reluctantly decided to end The ToolBook User’s Conference/e-Learning
Authoring Conference. While we know that this conference has been a
professional highlight for many of you, we feel the need to concentrate on our
core strengths, namely creating software for Improving the Lives of Training
It has been a joy to get to know all of you who have attended the conference
over the past twelve years. Thank you for all your support. Rest assured, we’ll
spend the time that we would have used on the conference making our product
line even stronger. We also may try to organize some webinars or other online
events as well.
Learning & Mastering ToolBook 11.5 Available
Completely updated for ToolBook 11.5, this popular CBT adds new content on publishing to the web, new tools, updated screens and interface, and more. "Learning & Mastering ToolBook" contains over 30 hours of training with 81 Show Me demonstrations, 61 Let Me Try simulations, 434 Expert Information topics, 186 Web Hints, and 186 OpenScript Tips. Also includes extensive content on the Quiz Summary, Importing from PowerPoint, Voice Recordings, SmartPages/SmartStyles, Certificates, Actions Editor, OpenScript, Flash™, XML, HTTP Post, ADO, Automation, REST calls, and much more.
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ToolBook 11.5 Available for Purchase from Platte Canyon
ToolBook developers may now upgrade to the exciting new ToolBook 11.5 release. This version adds an improved publishing to the web wizard, an expanded Resource Manager, enhanced clip art, additional tools, and much more. Receive a $50 credit off any Platte Canyon product with each upgrade. Or receive $100 for each full version purchased!
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TBK Tracker 4 Allows Native Tracking of ToolBook and HTML Content
Version 4 of the leading Learning Management System (LMS) for native content, the Platte Canyon® TBK Tracker, features the a new Player application for hosting HTML content written in Exam Engine™, Training Studio™, and other tools. The Administrator application has been completely rewritten in .NET 4.0 and features expanded batch import and other capabilities. The Reporter program has also been rewritten with .NET and the Microsoft Report Viewer. It includes 61 reports and 75 graphs. Its architecture supports the modification and adding of new reports.
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Training Studio 3 Moves to HTML/JavaScript and Adds Great New Features
Training Studio allows you to create database-driven e-Learning with no programming. Version 3 is now completely HTML and JavaScript, allowing the easy targeting of multiple browsers and mobile devices. All media is played with HTML 5 if available and otherwise with Flash, Windows Media Player, or QuickTime as appropriate. Add or edit page templates using your favorite HTML editor. In addition to buttonClick, mouseEnter, timed bullet templates, Training Studio has great question functionality with matching, "matching lines," sequencing, numeric, hotSpot, and other question types. Training Studio uses easy-to-edit Cascading Style Sheets for virtually all formatting and features the ability to "Show Answers," have the score button optional for questions with a single answer, include "Tech support" emails, allow completion based on visiting all pages or a mastery score, and let users review questions at the end of an exam. Publishing to SCORM 1.2, 2004, and AICC are all supported.
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Exam Engine 4 Offers Database-Driven Exams Completely in HTML/JavaScript
Exam Engine now uses only HTML and JavaScript to create database-driven, SCORM/AICC-conformant exams without any programming. All media is played with HTML 5 if available and otherwise with Flash, Windows Media Player, or QuickTime as appropriate. All question types including matching, "matching lines," sequencing, numeric, hotSpot, multiple choice, and more are supported. Add or edit question templates using your favorite HTML editor. New features include the ability to validate logins/passwords/exams via the included web service, use optional jQuery UI buttons, review questions at the end of the exam, and show scores by objectives. Pull questions randomly by objective, email results to a manager, store question results in Access, SQL Server, or XML, use the optional Reporter program to view reports on question and exam data, include media with questions, easily update questions and objectives, and much more.
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Storyboarder Version 2 Exports ToolBook Screen Captures and Content to PowerPoint or Word
This innovative tool creates a Microsoft Word or PowerPoint storyboard document/presentation from an existing ToolBook book. This includes an optional screen capture of each page, field, button, and other text, question answers/feedback, simulation information, and other content. The PowerPoint export can show the content in speaker notes and/or a textbox on each slide. It can also include a configurable "Comments" box for use by reviewers. Storyboarder is available for ToolBook 11, 10.5, and/or 10.
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Order Programming for e-Learning Developers
Order this new book by Jeff Rhodes that covers both basic programming concepts as well as more advanced tasks like dynamically adding hyperlinks, loading media, making SCORM calls, and more. Best of all, learn how to do these tasks in ToolBook, Flash, JavaScript, and Silverlight. Now only $29.95 plus free shipping within the U.S. and inexpensive shipping the rest of the world!
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2010 e-Learning Authoring Conference "Archives For Attendees" Available
Download the sample applications and presentations from the 40+ e-Learning Conference sessions. At only $50, this is a real steal!
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2010 e-Learning Authoring Conference Resources
While the 2010 edition of The e-Learning Authoring Conference is over, you can still get a taste of it by viewing the group photo, Hack Ack winners, and more.
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Attendee Comments:
Thanks for a great conference!
Again, another great year. I don't see how it could get any better, but it does. Hats off to Jeff and family.
Great stuff!
The conference was very well organized. This was my first time and I never felt overwhelmed or lost. I truly appreciated that.
This year's TBCON was excellent. It was very productive for our team. You do a great job with this conference. A good balance between learning new things, connecting with peers, interfacing with SumTotal personnel, and discovering potential partners and future customers.
The best part was the chance to ask the experts and see SumTotal there.
I learned enough just about SCORM to make it well worth the trip.
I received many tools for shortcuts that will decrease my development time!
First of all, it was awesome...lots to do and some really great sessions!!! The socials were really really fun, the lodgings were better this year (at least for me anyway in those new apartments), and there was lots to be learned!
I just love the diversity of people here. It's amazing how we can all get along! It's not just about learning ToolBook, but also sharing ideas and experiences.
We learned tips and tricks that will pay for our trip almost immediately.