Conference attendees received the official conference CD featuring
session content from TBCON 2002. This includes ToolBook files, PowerPoint
slides, papers in Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat formats, web links, photos,
videos, bonus materials, descriptions of each session, and more.

Even if you missed the conference, you can still get the
TBCON 2002 conference CD. To order the CD, go to the Platte Canyon store.
The 2002 CD Features
Start-Up Screen
Start the CD in Runtime or Author mode.
Table of Contents
Navigate rapidly to any area of the CD.
Session Materials
See a description, faculty member bio, and launch samples,
presentation file, or other files supplied by the faculty member
Hack Ack Entries
Access these lighthearted entries from this year's contest.
Bonus Material
See videos from the Hack Ack presentations and karaoke performances,
and more.
Sessions by Presenter
Browse the list to see each faculty member's photo, bio, and
Group Photo and Roster
Click a name in the roster and locate that person in the group
photo. Or park over a face in the group photo to get that person's name.
Candid Conference Photos
Browse through a collection of photos showing highlights from all
three days of the conference.
The Conference CD includes materials from the following
Actions Editor - A Look at the More Complex Features of
the Actions Editor - Denny Dedmore
Actions Editor Primer - Joan Kane
Adding Media to Your VBTrain.Net Applications - Chris
An In-Depth Look at Instructor's Simulation Authoring Capabilities -
Tim Barham
An Inside Look at SCORM - Jeffrey Krinock
An Introduction to the Actions Editor - Tom Hall
An Introduction to the Simulation Object in Instructor 8.5 -
Tom Hall
Animated Menus and More: Making Your Native Application Look Great -
Guido Walter
Ask the ToolBook Experts - Tim Barham &
Denny Dedmore
Basic to Intermediate OpenScript - Bliss Bignall
Behind the Scenes of ToolBook Instructor's Actions Editor -
Tim Barham
Building Custom Components in VBTrain.Net - Jeff
Building Custom Tools for Traditional and DHTML ToolBook Applications -
Jeff Rhodes
Business and Legal Issues in the Developing a Multi-Media Application for
Commercial Exploitation - Jack Siegel
Case Study - Controlling the Windows Desktop Environment with ToolBook -
Gregory Johnson
Case Study - Rapid Windows Development, Asset Tracking with ToolBook -
Gregory Johnson
Case Study on Multilingual ToolBook Applications -
Tomas Lund
Case Study: Developing Courseware for the Air Force -
Bliss Bignall
Case Study: Magic Man of Numbers - John Taylor
& Marcelle Bessman
CBT Essentials: The Art, Sound, and Motion of Training -
Chris Bell
Changes to the DHTML Export Process - Tim Barham
Communicating via the Internet with Instructor -
Chris Bell
Connecting to Databases in ToolBook Using ADO - Jeff
Creating "Rich-Client" CBT with VBTrain.Net - Jeff
Creating and Using SCORM Objects for the ToolBook Catalog -
Jeffrey Krinock
Creating Extended Objects and Catalogs - Peter
Creating Web-Based Training with VBTrain.Net - Jeff
Customizing the ToolBook Catalog - Simon Price
Database Access in VBTrain.Net - Jeff Rhodes
Developing for the LMS's Using AICC and SCORM - Jocelyn
Estimating and Pricing CBT & WBT - Jeff
Flash Development Basics - Chris Bell
Getting Wild and Saving Time with OpenScript - Jeff
Hints for a Beginner Developer, Part 1 - Virginia
Hints for a Beginner Developer, Part 2 - Virginia
How to Use MS Agent in ToolBook - Peter Jackson
If I'd Only Known, Part I: 20 Tips for the Beginning ToolBook Developer -
John Hall
If I'd Only Known, Part II: 20 More Tips for the Beginning ToolBook Developer -
John Hall
Incorporating Flash into ToolBook - Chris Bell
Increase Native Development Speed Using Self-Created Tools -
Guido Walter
Integrating a Microsoft Agent to Help a Student Interpret LSI Data in a
ToolBook Application - John Taylor &
Marcelle Bessman
Introduction to ActiveX and ToolBook - Chris
Introduction to InstallShield Developer - Jeff
Introduction to Visual Studio® .NET - Jeff
Is That Your Final Answer? Developing and Validating Test Questions -
Bill Hurley
It Don't Mean a Thing If It Don't Go Ca-Ching! -
Selling Your CBT - Bill Hurley
Media-Rich Web-Based Training at Any Connection Speed -
Robin McDermott & Peter Jackson
Motive, Method, and Opportunity: Dealing with Course Purpose, Content, and
Learning Interactions - Penny Mattern
Multimedia Tricks and Techniques - Mauro Rech
Native to DHTML: Horror Stories from Camp Hard Knocks -
Robin McDermott
Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic® .NET -
Jeff Rhodes
Post-Processing Exported AXF and DHTML - Simon
Power Tips for Assistant Users - Joan Kane
Producing Your Own Sound Files - Don Bowyer
Product Showcase: A Grand Tour of Aspen Content Development Server,
Click2learn's team-based solution - Michael
Product Showcase: Aspen Learning Experience Server - delivering personalized
learning - Michael Brophy
Product Showcase: Learning & Mastering ToolBook Instructor & Assistant
- Chris Bell
Product Showcase: Plug-In Pro - Chris Bell
Product Showcase: TB Connection - Chris Bell
Product Showcase: TBK Tracker and Progress Tracker -
Chris Bell
Product Showcase: The Platte Canyon ToolBook Product Line -
Jeff Rhodes
Product Showcase: The Taquin Question Object - Peter
Product Showcase: The ToolBook Batcher - Tomas
Product Showcase: The VBTrain.Net Product Line -
Jeff Rhodes
Product Showcase: WebLMS: Deliver, Track, and Control Your Web-Based Training -
Robin McDermott
Product Showcase: Why Click2learn's Aspen Learning Platform is Right For You -
Michael Brophy
Rapid Courseware Development Using Assistant or Instructor -
Jocelyn Martel
Rapid Development of Effective and Portable LAN-Based Software Training -
Glenn Blazek
Secrets Behind the Learning & Mastering ToolBook Series -
Jeff Rhodes
Show and Tell - Chris Bell
Supplementing DHTML Export with JavaScript - Peter
Testing Your ToolBook Project - One Step Toward Delivering a Defect Free
Product - O. Starnes
The Requirements Challenge - Narrowing the Expectation Gap Between What the
Customer Wants and What the Developer Builds - O.
The Simulation Catalog Object - Lee Jay Karns
ToolBook Development: The DISCOS Way - Tomas
ToolBook Tips & Techniques From the Eyes of Click2learn ToolBook Technical
Support - Denny Dedmore
Unusual Uses of ToolBook - Mauro Rech
User Interface Design for ToolBook and Visual Basic Using PhotoShop -
Chris Bell
Using OpenScript and System Books to Design a Better User-Interface -
Jack Siegel
Using ToolBook and Aspen Content Development Server Together -
Michael Brophy
Using ToolBook to Teach Music Over the Internet -
Don Bowyer
VBTrain.Net: Some Introductory Ideas on How to Create Training with VB .NET -
Chris Bell
What Part of 'Know' Don't You Understand?: Instructional Design 101 -
Bill Hurley
What You Should Know About Using TB 8.5 to Prepare for Migrating Your TB
Applications - Denny Dedmore & Michael Ormes
What's New in 8.5 - Denny Dedmore
Working with Graphics and Text in VBTrain.Net - Jeff
Zen and the Art of Complex Content - Penny
The ToolBook & VBTrain.Net User's Conference 2002 CD is
Ordering Information
Toll Free (US and Canada) 1-888-ToolBk-1 (1-888-866-5251)
International: (001+) (719) 548-1110.
Email: sales@tbcon.com
Web store: Here
Attendee Comments:
I have only been to one worthwhile conference in the past five years (and I go to 5 to 6 a year as attendee, exhibitor, and speaker only because I have to for our business) and you know which conference that is! All meat, no fluff and smart presenters and attendees. I am telling you, I could be the poster child for your next conference! Our latest project has improved an order of magnitude over what it would have been without the conference.
I have only been to one worthwhile conference in the past five years (and I go to 5 to 6 a year as attendee, exhibitor, and speaker only because I have to for our business) and you know which conference that is! All meat, no fluff and smart presenters and attendees. I am telling you, I could be the poster child for your next conference! Our latest project has improved an order of magnitude over what it would have been without the conference.
Beautiful city and campus. Nice classroom facilities; convenient to have all sessions in one building, with cafeteria and dorm nearby.
Great! Very high quality sessions. Very cutting edge, up-to-date material.
The value for the price was awesome. There is a ton of useful info here just readily available.
You guys have done a stunning job of the preparations for this. It puts all the other conferences I've ever been to to shame!